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Level 1

  Lesson 05/18  Can you?

  • Use warm up tongue twisters to loosen your articulators?

  • Refine your consonants to make the lyrics clear?​

  • Over enunciate for dramatic effect in your song (where appropriate)?

Diction - Playlist

  Lesson 01/18  Can you?

  • Describe at least 3 ways to warm up before singing?

  • Explain the purpose of each warm up?

  • Sing a major scale and broken chord?

Choose 2 contrasting songs for your performance

  Lesson 02/18  Can you?

  • Demonstrate your sense of pulse by conducting along to songs in 3 time, and 4 time?

  • Use bars and beats to cue your vocal entry? (count when to start)

  • Sing with an emphasis on the strong beats to convey meaning in the lyrics?

  Lesson 03/18  Can you?

  • Plan where to breathe in a musical phrase?

  • Play with the timing and rhythm of a phrase to ‘make it your own’?

  • Use accents to words and syllables convey your lyrics effectively?

  Lesson 04/18  Can you?

  • Feel your abdominal muscles engage on the out breath (singing)?

  • Use a 'recoil' / relax IN breath?

  • Find a neutral alignment for your posture?

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